Monday, December 29, 2008

Cookie Sheet Calendars

I made these 2 calendars, with a ton of Nate's help, for his parent's and sister for Christmas. Of course, I waited until the last minute, but it was fun to make another project with my trusty side-kick, Nate!
It is a calendar made on a cookie sheet. I laminated all the pieces and they are attached by magnets, hence the need for the cookie sheet. You can use it forever because you just move the numbers around according to the month it is. All the extra months and such are stuck on the back of the cookie sheet (forgot to take a picture of this). I even cut out holiday pictures to replace the date. For instance, I cut out a tree, a turkey, a pumpkin, and a few presents for birthdays. They turned out super cute. This would be a great super Saturday idea.
(the reason his mom's is missing numbers is because I ran out of magnets, oops) Do you have any ideas to share for future gifts to make?

1 comment:

KT said...

Super Saturday here I come. What a super idea!