Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumkin Carving/Drilling ;)

It has been quite a few years since Nate and I have carved pumpkins together.  What better way to re-start a tradition than Thatcher's first Halloween?  Of course, he could really care less, but it was fun for us.  It was also pretty quick and easy-ish.  Nate and my mom worked on drilling 2 of the pumpkins while I traced Thatcher's hands and feet to then trace onto his pumpkin to cut out.  Not so easy carving out tiny fingers and toes, but I love how it turned out.  A great way to document his first Halloween.

 Thatcher decided he would rather be a ghost for Halloween...spooky

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thatcher's last-first Holiday

Did you get that?  I am not counting Veteran's day, by the way.
We had our ward's Trunk or Treat last night and had a blast.  Thatcher was a dragon, Nate was the Knight and I was the damsel in distress princess.  I made Nate's costume and my hat.  I really enjoyed making them!  We decorated our truck like a graveyard, dead bodies and all.  The highlight for us was watching the fun through T's eyes, the highlight for T was his first sucker!  He even stayed relatively clean.  Leave it to Thatcher to get 99% of the sucker in.

 Just call me sleeping beauty


 First Sucker

I am sure we will have more pics from Trick or Treating on Halloween next week.  Until then...

Fall Family Photo Shoot...Sort of

This past Sunday was another gorgeous, fall day.  We have been so lucky this fall with temps in the 70's and 80's.  Even today is 80!  We headed out with my mom as the "photographer" and attempted to get some family photos.  There was not one "great" shot, but a few ok that will do.  It was a pretty walk, at least.

 He loves his daddy

 I was able to capture an artistic shot

 We are all looking at least

"I found a stick!"

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Nothing fun ryhmes with 10 Months :(

Yes, I said it- ten months!  We are in double digits people.  And, oh what a month it has been!  I would definitely call this the month of signing.  I have been signing to Thatcher since about 6 months.  Out of the blue, he started doing the signs for the appropriate actions.  The first day, he did 2 signs, and then another 2 signs the next week and now we are up to 7-10 signs in less than a month's time.  He can sign mommy, milk, all done, please, thank you, pee-yew (stinky), high five, and "how big is Thatcher-this big".  He also blows kisses and claps when you say "yeah".  I can't even keep up.  I was up late last night looking up more signs because he has learned all the ones I knew.  So excited to not only know what he wants but with manners to boot.  I know, bragging mom moment.

Weight-19 lbs 19%
Length- 29 in 50%
He has grown some at least.

 Oakley loves Thatcher

 A boy & his Dog

 This was the ONLY corn we got from our garden this year...luckily it was just Thatcher's size!

 Bike ride with Max & Emily

 mmmm...chocolate icecream
 watching the OSU game with Dad
 helping mom put together daddy's grill

 Petting Farm at the Ox Roast in West Jefferson

Car Show at the Ox Roast in West Jefferson

 Last water fountains for the summer
 Yes, he is actually conducting the water ;)