Friday, March 20, 2009

Work-Out Wanda...err Trinette

I have set a goal and REALLY hope I can stick to it! I want to get better about working out. I think part of the reason is how inspiring the show "Biggest Loser" has been this season.
So far this week, I have gone to 2 aerobics classes and gone on 4 lengthy walks with the dogs. Plus I have played baseball and frisbee. I feel so good! I don't know if it is a fluke, but I have lost 3 of those infamous LB's in about 1.5 weeks! Nate and I are also trying to eat out less and eat better, smaller portions. Here's to looking good in a swimsuit for the summer.


Pretty Pirate K said...

Good luck on your goal :) Let me know if you want to go jogging (or walking since im not all that great at jogging lol) at highbanks or biking!!

Beau & Shannon said...

ya baby!

The Albrecht's said...

Right now you are at water aerobics and I'm so sad I'm not there with you! What a motivational post. I need to get back in gear after all the junk I ate this weekend! Call me the next time you go!

Anonymous said...

woohoo! that's awesome! K? how come i didn't know you had a blog?